Skirt: TopShop// Tank: Similar// Bralette: FreePeople// Wedges: Marc Fisher// Earrings: Lisi Lerch [c/o]// Clutch: Similar// Pink & white & something nice! My love for anything pink has always been existent, & I don’t think it’s ever going to fade. As you are probably aware, denim skirts have made a huge comeback over the past couple seasons & this 90’s girl is not complaining! I feel like I am back in middle school with my crimped hair. LOL. All this said, you can probably ...
Festive 4th of July Outfit
Dress: Last Call// Shoes: Marc Fisher// Bag: Similar// Sunglasses: Diff [c/o]// Where in the world did June go? Better yet this year! Seriously though, time is flying faster than ever, which is a tad scary. I don’t know about you, but making plans for the 4th of July this year is difficult because it falls smack dad in the middle of the week. We have a half day at work on Tuesday & then closed Wednesday… which is just pointless if you ask me. Hello- why couldn’t we just close the office ...
Willow House Boutique in Sundance Square
Looking back, there is not a time that I can think of that I did not enjoy boutique shopping. Growing up, I would always drag my grandma along to different boutiques in the area and we would shop until we dropped. I definitely think I get my shopping bug from her… so thanks Mimi for that :) Although, Austin is probably not thankful! LOL. When I tell people where I am from, I always say Fort Worth not Dallas. If you live in the DFW area, you know there’s a major difference. Not saying I hate ...
Type A Planner + Erin Condren
For as long as I can remember, I have been extremely type A. To the point that sometimes I think I may be a tad controlling, but that’s a different topic for a different day ;) I live for calendars & to do lists, because I love seeing my days, weeks & months scheduled out! Personally I use my Outlook Office calendar + desk calendar at work, a daily to do list & my Erin Condren planner for blogging/work/personal stuff! #JudgeMe Haha! Erin Condren might be a name you are familiar ...
Austin Getaway with the Fairmont
One of my goals after Austin & I got married was to travel more. I want to see more of the world, meet new people & experience different foods & cultures! My first adventure of the summer was a blogger trip to Austin, TX. Yes, I have been to Austin numerous times in my lifetime, but there is still a lot I have not experienced. My friend Kirstin, from Styled by Sequins, is not from Texas and had never been to Austin, so we thought this was the perfect place to travel to! We had so ...
I Got it From My Momma
Shirt: Target// Shorts: H&M// Scarf: Target// Shoes: Shopbop// I love when Mother's Day makes its appearance each year, because it's such a special day honoring my favorite person! My mom has been my role model since I could walk & as the years have progressed, she has grown to be my best friend. People are right, there is no bond like a mother & daughter's, & I only hope I have the relationship my mom & I have with my daughter one day [far down the road lol]. Some may ...