As I write this post, I have struggled putting together words to express my thoughts. I want to start by expressing my gratitude to the healthcare professionals, grocery store employees, first responders and the list goes on. Thank YOU for your hard work and due diligence during this time.
I am extremely blessed and thankful that my job allows me to work from home. For those of you that do not know, I work in the influencer advertising space for my “8-5” job. We are a virtual company based in different states across the country. That said, I have been working from home for the past 9 months. And I would be lying if I said there haven’t been highs and lows.
My hope is that today I can bring you some form of joy and normalcy by sharing what has worked and has not worked for me when working from home. As more individuals are working remotely the next few weeks, I want to try and help by sharing my experience.
When I started this new WFH journey back in June, I thought it would be the cherry on top to my dream job. I envisioned getting to watch my talk shows in the morning, while sipping my coffee, work from coffee shops whenever I wanted, buy groceries or workout during my lunch hour and so much more. While I do have the privilege to do these things, jokes on me because they are not things that contribute to my productivity. Yes, I miss the heck out of people and getting dressed to go to an office everyday. BUT I would not trade my flexibility and being able to work from literally anywhere.
WFH Do’s
Start with quiet time. Before I ever turn on my computer I start my day doing my daily devotional and in prayer. Get your mindset in the right place and take a second for yourself before you are glued to technology the rest of the day.
Write down a few things you are grateful for. I’d be lying if I said I did this everyday, but when I do start my morning off by writing out the things I am grateful for my day typically goes way better. It helps put the “tough” things throughout the day into perspective!
Work in a room that does not have a TV. I always thought I would have the TV on in the background while working, or that I would watch my talk shows in the morning, but I have learned if I turn on the TV my productivity is typically doomed. I do however constantly listen to music in the background. Typically will just tell Alexa to play a worship or Jesus playlist.
Set up some sort of desk/office. Personally, I have to work from a desk. I know people that can work at their kitchen table or couch, but I have found I am way more productive when I treat working from home like going to an office. Keep your space neat and clean like you have coworkers that are judging you by the presence of your cube 😉
To do list. I feel much more accomplished at the end of the day if I write out my daily to do’s and cross them out when they are complete. When I first started working from home I did not feel like I was accomplishing much, as there is no one to witness what I am doing, but having a daily to do list has majorly helped.
Time block. It depends on what my calendar looks like, but days that are flexible I love time blocking my schedule. I will typically work on something for 45 minutes-1 hour and take a 15 minute break in between. Helps make time fly!
Take a lunch. Something else I am extremely guilty of not doing everyday. I will usually eat something quick while working, but I have to remind myself even though I WFH I can still take a lunch like the rest of the world. Eat something nutritious and turn your computer off for a bit to unplug.
Get dressed. I have learned my best days are the days I am not working in my pjs. Yes, there are somedays I stay in my comfy clothes, but treat your day like you are going to an office. Get up. Get dressed. Put on your makeup. Fix your hair. You get the idea! I promise you will feel so much better. There are times I will workout midday to get out of the house, so even if getting dressed means putting on workout clothes it’s better than the pjs you slept in all night. And trust me when I say you don’t want to be the girl that works in comfy clothes all the time, because your waistline will eventually be nonexistent. I encourage you to wear jeans a couple times a week lol!
Natural light. I used to be queen of working in the dark with my lamps on but boy have I learned how much natural light helps my mood. Open up the blinds and let all the light in!
Drink water. I know it’s hard, but drink as much water as possible throughout the day. I purchased this water bottle from Amazon and it has majorly helped me reach my water intake goals!
These are the things that truly help me every single day. I also think it’s super important to remember you are lucky enough to be able to do your work from home and you do make your own schedule. Productivity, routines and goal setting is key for me to keep my eyes on what I want to accomplish. If I am being transparent, there are days that can feel super lonely and isolating. I have to remember I am blessed to be able to work from a patio or coffee shop when my schedule allows, which is something I killed for when I worked in the corporate world. Getting out of the house and seeing sunshine is good for the soul!
If you work from home I would love to learn your tips and tricks!

[…] norm I am rounding up some super affordable loungewear sets from SHEIN today. Now- if you read my “Working From Home Tips” blog post you know that I would not recommend wearing stuff like this everyday. Being comfy cute is […]