Hey girl hey, happy Tuesday! Growing up some of my favorite movies to binge with my momma were Sweet Home Alabama, Walk the Line, The Man in the Moon and Legally Blonde. What do all of these movies have in common? Only my favorite actress, Reese Witherspoon! Flashback to elementary school when I chopped my hair off, because of Reese’s look in Sweet Home Alabama. Not my proudest moment. LOL!

You’re probably reading this wondering where I am headed, and sista do I have a treat for you. Get you a glass of sweet tea ready and have your credit card in hand, because this post is going to be so fun!

All this RW talk aside, I am so honored to be chatting about Draper James new spring collection that launched in stores today! The collection is so good. Think classy, mixed with southern, with a hint of preppiness. All the blue, white and denim dresses your heart could want, to take your spring wardrobe to the next level.

Now you’re probably thinking what does Reese have to do with this? Well she just so happens to be the owner of Draper James. She has four storefronts in Nashville, Atlanta, Lexington and Dallas, and also has a huge online presence. Her new line makes my Texas heart so happy. I mean nothing screams southern charm in my book like big hair and a denim dress!

In the new collection, there are pieces that would be perfect for a spring wedding, graduation, bridal shower, etc. The white dress I am styling above would be so cute for all you bride to be’s, if you’re graduating from college or attending a baby shower this spring and summer. I love that it’s white and you can add your own flare to it! It is a tad pricier than I would typically spend and share with you, but the quality is exceptional and it’s a classic dress that will hang in my closet for many years to come.

I am rounding up my other top picks from the new collection below! Which is your favorite?
With this new launch, I am so stinkin’ excited to share that myself and 3 other blogger babes will be hosting an event at the Dallas Draper James on Thursday, May 16th from 6p-8p. I would love to sip champagne and shop with you, so please send me an email or DM on Instagram to let me know if you are interested in coming!

Happy shopping!