What the haystack, 2019?! I cannot believe it is already a new year! What’s mind blowing to think is next year will be 2020, which just sounds crazy if you ask me! LOL! But let’s not get ahead of ourselves and enjoy the year we are in 😉
Looking ahead at this year, I am super excited for what it will bring. Specifically moving into our new house and starting that new chapter! Besides from that, I personally love starting the year with a clean slate and setting goals that I want to accomplish throughout the year.
Besides from goals, I did something new this year and took the DaySpring quiz to determine my word for the year. This isn’t just any other word. It’s a word based on God’s word. After completing the quiz, I found that my word is peace. After thinking about why this is my word, I figured out why God chose that word for me. I need to find peace in God’s timing and faithfulness. To be at peace and accept the path God has planned for me. To find peace and joy in every new season throughout 2019. I love having this one word to focus on throughout the new year. It makes it way easier to not forget and brush to the side by mid February. Let’s be honest, we are all guilty of that!
Along with my word of the year, I wanted to be an open book today and share some of my personal goals for 2019 with you all, as I am super goal oriented and love having specific things to be able to achieve. I want this to be a way to not only keep myself accountable, but to help you feel inspired and motivated to tackle the new year and be the best possible version of yourself! Remember when creating your goals for the new year, they need to be specific with an end goal that is achievable.
- Continue to grow my blog and Instagram account. I would love to at least double my monthly blog views.
- Put down the phone & make more memories.
- Dive into a new devotional and start each morning with quiet time.
- Workout at least three times a week. (cliche I know)
- Austin & I want to find a home church that is in the community we are moving to and get plugged in/involved.
- Be consistent about budgeting and sticking to it.
- Determine where my passions truly are in the workforce and what I want to do in 18 months, 5 years, etc.
- Read more, at least one new book a month.
- Cut out the junk food Sunday-Thursday. LOL. I can’t give up my chips and queso on the weekends!
- Further my community with my readers and continue engaging and building those relationships.
- Start each day with a positive attitude and outlook.
I know some of these, like eating healthy and working out, are cliche but those are both things I truly need to work on throughout next year. Do you tend to set goals for the new year or do you just fly by the seat of your pants? Also, let me know if you take the DaySpring quiz! I would love to hear what your word of the year is 🙂
Cheers to 2019!