Hey girl! Hope you had a fantastic Christmas! I am dragging at work today, as I just have NYE on my mind. LOL!
Now for a post that a lot of you have requested! To build or to buy, that was the question Austin & I found ourselves asking for multiple months. We currently live in a two bedroom apartment, and besides for outgrowing the space, we are tired of putting our money down the drain with renting.
Renting has been great during our newlywed season, as we have figured out our finances and how to budget and save, but Austin and I decided it was time to make the next move. In August & September we would periodically look at homes for sale online, trying to get an idea of prices and what not, as our lease is not up until May 2019. After looking in potential areas we want to settle down in, we realized homes are expensive, and most of them need a lot of work done.
As we continued looking and going back and forth between can we afford to build a home or should we just purchase an older house and gradually update it, we decided building a home was the option we were going to pursue. A lot of people thought we were crazy, as they have a perception on building typically being outrageously priced. However, when we started comparing older home prices vs building prices, they were almost identical. We figured why would we not build a new home for the same price as buying an old home that needs work. This is what lead us to building our cozy little starter house! And going into the building process, we gave ourselves a set number that we were not going to allow us to go over. Surprisingly, we stayed within budget 🙂
Another big perk we found about building a home was that if we started in November, the house would be ready right around when our lease is up. It stressed me out thinking we were going to have to find a house to buy around the time of moving out, so building has somewhat taken that stress away. But now I am a tad stressed because they are moving so fast, to the point we already have sheet rock and a roof, and I am afraid they might be done way earlier than when our lease is up. LOL- gotta love it!
So far building has been so much fun with Austin. He is actually a home builder for a different company, so he knows all the in’s and out’s which has been super nice! From picking out our layout, deciding on the interior and exterior selections, going every weekend to check on the home and seeing the progress, it’s only been two months but it’s been a blast! It’s been super fitting for my type A personality. HA.
We are so excited to see the finished product and see all our selections come together. It’s so sweet to know that this little place is going to be our own and that we get to create brand new memories within the walls.
Have you built a home?! If so, I would love to learn your tips and tricks. Feel free to comment below or message me on Instagram!