What a dreary week! It has done nothing but rain, rain & more rain here in Dallas. This girl is beyond ready for some sunshine! I’m trying not to let the rain put a damper on my week, considering all the fun giveaways I have going on, but my oh my it has really messed with my photoshoots. I apologize for all the pictures taken inside. Please know this was not my plan. LOL!
If you follow along on Instastory, you may have seen me mention that I have been using Monat hair products the past month. Well, it has now been about two months of using the products & I still love them. I got a lot of negative [& positive] feedback from you all about Monat, which made me a little apprehensive to share this post with you. BUT my platform is for sharing what I love & believe in, so I wasn’t going to let some negative comments get me down.
Yes, Monat might be another network marketing company, BUT don’t judge a book by a cover [or by the Facebook posts you see]. My friend, Kim, had tried to get me on board with Monat for over a year & I was so hesitant to take the plunge. So why did I finally cave? She washed & blow dried my hair with all Monat products, which lead me to being sold. Using these products the past two months, I have seen more hair growth than ever before & my hair feels [& looks] healthier than ever! I am convinced my hair has not grown since high school, so seeing baby hairs is extremely exciting. Lord, please just give me long locks like Blake Lively 😉
Interested in what products I have been using? Keep reading, as I break down each product & feel free to click on each underlined product to shop! Please note, this is my everyday routine… when I wash my hair. I typically go one day in between of washing my hair! Also, each person’s hair is different. So what works for me, may not work for you! Feel free to reach out and we can try to figure out what products would be best for your hair needs.
Revive Shampoo– Great for volume! I started off with this shampoo & honestly hated it at first. I felt like I was not getting my hair clean, BUT that was because I was not using it properly. You start off with a nickel amount of shampoo & lather your hair, like you normally would. You will NOT see suds, like you are used to. Now rinse & repeat. This time you WILL see suds. This means the product is working & is removing the built up products!
Renew Shampoo– Great for hydration & growth! This is the shampoo I have been using the past couple of weeks & love the shine it leaves my hair with. Do the same process as above!
Revitalize Conditioner– Great for volume & lifeless hair! Simply apply a nickel amount to your hair, except the crown of your head! Always apply conditioner only to the ends.
Replenish Masque– Repairs damaged hair! I use this once a week, when I feel like my hair needs a little “oomph.” It’s honestly the best hair masque I have ever used. My hair is SO soft after I get out of the shower.
Rejuvabeads– Replenishes split ends! This stuff is GOLD. I use it after every wash, before I blow dry, & the difference it makes is huge. It actually leaves your hair stronger [this is probably my second favorite product].
Moxie Magnifying Mousse– Lift & volume! I use this after each wash, before I blow dry, to give my hair that bounce! I’ve never seen such volume!
Rejuvenique Oil– My favorite product! I have actually used this for a year now, as it works wonders for everything! I apply it on my hair when I know I am going to wash it the next morning. My eyelashes and eyebrows every night before bed. My face & neck for hydration. Sunburns. Seriously everything! This product is a tad pricy, but it lasts forever. And it’s your lucky day, because I am giving away one tonight on Instagram!
That was a lot of info, so I am going to go live on Instagram today, going over all the products. I hope you will tune in to learn more! Please know, I do not promote any products I do not believe in. Monat is one that has changed my hair for the better, & I wouldn’t steer you wrong. I know the products can seem a little pricier, but think about what you normally spend on hair products. These last me at least two months, because a little product goes a long way.
If you have any questions, I would love to answer them. Feel free to comment below, shoot me an email or a DM on Instagram.