There are two types of people in this world. The first are your A type people, who live their lives from their planner & are always checking off things on their to-do list [this would be me]. The second type are the people who never have a plan, love to go with the flow & have a planner, but never tend to open it [this would be my mother]. You’re probably wondering where I am going with this, so hold tight, because I am about to tell ya!
When I got engaged, it did not take me long to start planning our wedding, because I knew exactly what I wanted. However, it was overwhelming not knowing where to start. I knew there were so many things that needed to be done, but trust me girlfriend, I had zero clue where to begin. Let me remind you, I chose to not hire a wedding planner, simply because I am such a planner/control freak [no judgement, please]. After doing my research, I came across one of the best things throughout the wedding planning process, the Wedding Wire checklist! I created an account with WeddingWire [it’s free] & they lead me to where I should begin. I was extremely drawn to their wedding checklist, because they have an app you can download and check off everything you accomplish from your phone!
I would have been extremely lost without this to do list, because I have booked & planned everything myself, which can be extremely overwhelming! They guide you with everything from starting your guest list, reserving hotel rooms for guests, to even planning & booking your honeymoon! And when I say they guide you, they literally give you a significant date that these things should be done. My mom & I have gone back & forth about when to send out my wedding invitations, because WeddingWire states they should be out by August 29th. However, my mother [who is not a planner] thinks they should go out way later so people do not forget about the event. I continue to remind her that not everyone is so laid back like her 😉 And with that being said, my invitations will most definitely be out by the 29th! Sorry mom, you lost that battle. LOL!
If you are a bride to be, fixing to be engaged or just waiting for your guy to get down on a knee, I hope this helps! I have 46 out of 76 items done on my WeddingWire checklist. If you ask me, that’s not bad since we have a little over two months to go 😉 Happy #WeddingWednesday & thank you so much for stopping by!
Thanks to Wedding Wire for this collaboration. All opinions are strictly my own.
Great to be a planner There are the 6Ps Although I cant share on facebook but just as me sometimes