Dress: Revolve// Shoes: Dillards [similar]//Â
So in honor of me receiving my Aggie ring this past weekend, I felt inspired to write about all the emotions I am feeling regarding this last month of college & the future that’s ahead of me. So to start out incase you are wondering why the Aggie ring is such a big deal, let me fill you in. The Aggie ring is a huge tradition & this little piece of gold symbolizes 90 [plus] hours that have been finished in school. This ring is a symbol that Aggies carry with them for the rest of their lives & is something that helps them stand apart from everyone else. With that being said, it was a HUGE accomplishment to finally receive my ring. I seriously have dreamt about this since I could remember, so it feels extra good finally being able to wear it around with pride 😉
As graduation is approaching, my nerves are starting to take over my body. Something I have been asked constantly is “What are your plans after graduation?” & goodness this is hard to answer. Because the real answer is I HAVE NO CLUE. Yes, I know the field I want to go into & have applied for jobs & had interviews. However, have I found where I am going to be after graduation? The answer is no. I have had multiple breakdowns over the past couple weeks, because if you know me you know I am your typical type A person. I always have a plan & this time I don’t. It’s killing me, but I am trying not to let it. I know The Lord has bigger plans then I could ever imagine for myself, & I am just going to sit back & wait for those to take place.
It’s funny, because I have my mind so set on my dream job. To the point I have already turned down a couple jobs. As I take a step back, I realize that realistically my first job is not going to be my dream job. I am going to continue to stick to my gun & not settle, because that will leave me unhappy in the end. But I am going to try to have a more open mind & apply for more positions that may not be what I typically want to do. Because lets be honest, who truly knows what they want to do for the rest of their lives straight out of school?
It’s starting to freak me out that I only have one month left in this town where I have created hundreds of memories. I have to leave this place I have called home & start the next chapter of my life. Which means I am leaving friendships, as well. I have made some of my best friends in this little town & am trying to live it up this last month. Am I going to remember what I made on that major paper three months from now? Probably not. Am I going to remember going to get margs after class, when I know I have more important stuff I should be doing? Absolutely. This is so hard for me, because I love to check things off my list & not procrastinate. But with this last month, my normal mentality has gone out the window. I am trying to spend as much time with these people I call my best friends, because most likely I will not ever have free time like this again. In a month, we will all have jobs & have moved our separate ways. Some close, some far. However, I will continue to call these girls my best friends. You all know who you are & I just want to remind each of you how much your special friendship means to me.
College is funny & kind of amazes me. Like your parents send you off to this random place for four years & lets you free. How do they do it? I have no clue [Lord help me when I become a parent]. Anyways, it’s just so mind blowing to me. You come here & figure out the person you want to be. You figure out school on your own. Money on your own. Bills on your own. Yes, you have guidance, but it is in the distance. I am so thankful for the support & guidance of my parents, because I most likely would not be the independent person I am today without them.
So, a month from now I will be a college graduate. I am sure my mascara will be down my face that day, as I will be approaching the real world. But hey, I am so excited for this new adventure. I may be swallowing my pride & moving back in with my parents [trust me, this is the last thing I want to do. I mean I enjoy doing my own laundry & cooking my own dinner], but I know it is the responsible thing to do financially. I am so anxious to get to put my dreams into play & continue checking more things off that long list of mine. So real world, cheers [tears] to you. I can’t wait to meet you & see how we get along.
Sorry this post was everywhere, I just really needed to get all of my emotions on paper. Love you all & can’t wait to continue this journey with each of you. You have no idea how much your support means to me.
Geordian, I can understand your feelings at this time in your life, but your being the hard working, gracious, and Christian young lady you are things will work out. God has a plan for each of us and just have faith and continue to be who you are and remember you are a strong lady with a family right behind you all the way. DON’T WORRY BE HAPPY